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How do we make the health and safety policy accessible to all workers

health and safety policy photo

Health and safety policy is an important document that all organisations should comply with in fulfilment of the occupational health and safety management system requirements; the ISO 45001:2018 Standard.

According to the ISO 45001: 2018, occupational health and safety management standard, the organisation should create, maintain and implement a health and safety policy. And the health and safety policy has to be communicated to workers in the workplace.

While at this, you will make the health and safety policy accessible to all in the workplace. 

How do we make the health and safety policy accessible to all workers?

  • After developing a health and safety policy for your organization, Produce a hard copy print of it. Ensure that the most senior person signs on it. Doing this will help to validate the safety consciousness and leadership from the side of the management. Then, after doing this, locate a notice board that all workers can access and place the policy on the notice board to enable them to read, see and observe it. 
  • Ensure you introduce the policy and educate the workers on it, then ensure that all workers sign a document indicating the awareness of it and that they have read the health and safety policy. When the health and safety policy is not accessible, it undermines the goal of creating it. 
  • Place copies of the health and safety policies at strategic places such as the manager’s office, workers’ cloakroom, and other locations where workers can easily access them. 

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