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HSE Blog topics on health and safety, Occupational health and safety, quality, security and the environment. The blogs are mainly on what is in the workplace and off-the-job safety topics. This HSE blog is a compendium of knowledge that will position professionals in the workplace who expose themselves to one form of hazard or the other. 

Hazards are mainly the things, object, arrangement, conversation, or situation that has the potential to cause harm to people and give rise to damage to assets and the reputation of the company.

Anyone can also read the topics and equip themselves with timely information for safeguarding their life and properties.

The information in this section will equip the reader positively in the manner below.

  • The reader will gain information on how to reduce workplace accidents.
  • Improve the worker morale at work. 
  • There will be an improvement in the company’s reputation because of the knowledge gained from reading this book.
  • The emergency response procedure will improve since the reader will gain more than enough from this section to build a formidable emergency team.
  • There will be an improvement of the individual productivity and that of the company through the knowledge and information from this section.
  • There are some topics on legal requirements for every company to meet up with and the minimum requirements for them.
  • The knowledge from here will better position someone to manage risks and hazards around them. 


Take your time and browse any of the HSE blogs of your choice and enjoy yourself while reading them. 

fire risk assessment

5 steps in fire risk assessment in our workplace

5 steps in fire risk assessment in our workplace. Fire risk assessment is a significant topic in fire safety. There was an article I wrote on the fire triangle where I listed out the three things that must be present for a fire to start.… Read More »5 steps in fire risk assessment in our workplace

welfare facilities-factory act

Welfare facilities in a workplace-What the Nigeria factory law says about It.

Welfare provision in a workplace is the responsibility of the employer. First of all, The Factories Act Cap F1 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004 was solely enacted for the protection of the occupational safety and health of Nigerian workers in all occupations.

Permit to work procedure

Permit to work procedure

Permit to work system is a management system. This management system makes use of permits to work. The permit to work is a formal document detailing the type of work to be done. The hazards of the work and the precautions to be taken to prevent the hazard from causing harm or damage to people and equipment.

A scaffold

A Scaffold-what you need to know on it briefly.

Workers are killed most often when working at height. They make use of ladders for jobs that require a scaffold. With scaffolds, such deaths are averted and the work is done safely. Scaffolds provide access to the workplace.When you are to work at a height or an elevating level beyond the reach of normal human height.

stress management

Stress is not right for you

A stressed person is more prone to insomnia, hypertension, and depression than a non-stressed person.
Stress causes are demands at work, loss of a beloved, financial pressure, family and children, termination of appointment. Certain life events that put high demands on someone such as marriage, buying a house and convocation.