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What you need to know about Safe Work Australia SWA

safe work australia swa

What you need to know about safe work Australia SWA

Safe Work Australia (SWA) is a body established by the Australian government on 1st November 2009 under the safe work Australia act 2008.

There are other similar bodies like safe work Australia globally. The health and safety executive in the UK. In the United States of America, we have the occupational safety and health administration. Canada has the Canadian Centre for occupational safety and health and some other bodies enacted by law in many countries of the world.

What do safe work Australia do?

Safe Work Australia is a national policy body that works to achieve a healthier, safer and more productive workplace.

They represent the interests of the workers and employees Commonwealth, states and territories in Australia.

Do they regulate workplace health and safety laws?

Worksafe Australia does not regulate workplace health and safety laws. They do not administer workers’ compensation claims, but the regulation of workplace health and safety and workers’ compensation claims lies within various states, commonwealth and territories within Australia.

Roles and functions of safe work Australia

Though they are funding comes from the territories, Commonwealth, and States. However, they have the following roles and functions to administer in Australia,

  •  To develop, evaluate, and if necessary, revise National workplace health and safety and workers’ compensation policies and supporting strategies.
  • To develop, evaluate, and if necessary, revise a model legislative framework to be developed for approval by the WHS ministers for adoption by the commonwealth, state and territories.
  • To develop proposals to improve workers’ compensation arrangements and to promote national consistency in the compensation arrangements.
  • To educate and implements National education and initiatives.
  • To advise work health and safety WHS ministers on National policy matters and initiatives relating to WHS On worker’s compensation.
  • To collaborate with National and international bodies on WHS and workers’ compensation policy.

 SWA works with the following bodies.

As a national policy body on work health and safety, WorkSafe Australia works with various organisations, people that influence good safety practices, industry groups, representatives, unions, work health and safety professionals, business leaders, employers, government, managers and supervisors.

 Safe Work Australia publications and Resources

Safe Work Australia has various publications in their office. The publications include corporate plan operation budget, employee census etc.

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