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Ways to prevent an electric shock

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Electric shock can lead to severe harm and even fatality to persons when it happens. Ad with the necessary measures in place, you can prevent an electric shock from causing damage.  

Electric shock often occurs when the human body makes contact with any source of electric current. The human body will now serve as the conductor to allow the electrical energy to pass through the body. 

When this happens, It is called an electric shock. The effect of an electric shock can be mild or severe depending on the quantity of the current that passes through the body, the resistance to the flow of the current and the channel through which the electricity passes through the body.

Electric shock can be prevented through the following as listed below.

14 ways to prevent an electric shock

1. Wet hands

Do not handle any electrical connections or appliances with a wet hand. Ensure to clean up your hand and dry it before you do so. Water is a good conductor of electricity as this will make the electric shock happen when there is a leakage.

2. Do not repair any electrical appliance by yourself.

Avoid repairing any damaged appliance yourself only when experienced. Hire the services of qualified personnel to do all your electrical repairs for you. 

3. Avoid wet places.

If an electrical cable is to pass across from one place to another, ensure that the ground is free of water or wetness. If possible, try to float it or clean up the water before you pass the electrical Cable.

4. Uninsulated wires.

Do not touch the uninsulated wires carelessly. If possible, use the required hand glove or switch off the electrical source before doing so. Cover all uninsulated to prevent electric shock. Also, know when to use the different electric cables for your work. 

5. Use of GCFI.

While working in a site or the field, always engage the Ground fault circuit interrupter ( GCFI ) to prevent current from getting to your body when there is a fault in the connection. 

6. Cover all Electrical sockets.

Cover all your electrical sockets to prevent children from sticking their fingers or an object in them. 

7. Timely Repairs.

Ensure that you repair all damaged electrical connections and appliances. Do not allow other children to get access to them. Make sure you engage the services of qualified personnel to carry out the repairs.

8. Education.

Electric shock is no laughing matter. It can lead to fatality. It’s pertinent that constant education on ways to prevent an electric shock is done to everyone to keep them abreast of the danger. If possible, read more on electricity and how it works in blogs and books. Doing this will get you familiar with it.

14 ways to prevent an electric shock

9. Call emergency services.

Ensure to call the emergency services if you notice an electric shock in your home appliances/connection-this may be a sign of something that can be more dangerous,

10. Check for requirements.

There is an electrical requirement for tools and equipment. Ensure you do not go against those requirements. Know the specific circuit breakers, fuses or plugs needed for every job. Putting the wrong material will jeopardize the safety of the equipment and can lead to fire, injury, death and electric shock.

11. Turn off the electricity.

Turn off the electricity when repairing electrical faults in your home or workplace. Doing this will save you from electrocution when you make any mistake. There will always be a main electrical panel where you can turn off the electricity. Check for the switch in the electrical panel and turn it off. Doing so will cut off the flow of electricity before you continue with the repair.

12. Bare wire.

Do not use your hand to touch a bare wire. Touching a bare wire with your hand can cause an electric shock. Do not assume that there is no electricity on any cable.

13. Three-prong plugs

If you can, always use the three-prong plugs in all your connections. The third prong grounds the electricity whenever there is a problem.

14. Storage of electrical equipment.

When storing outdoor equipment, avoid keeping it in wet places. Or rather keep it in a garage where the rain can’t touch it.

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