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Knife safety tips you can apply when using a knife

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A knife is a tool for cutting dating back to millions of years ago, and despite that, It can harm humans when used unsafely. It is something of concern that some people do not know how to use a knife safely. 

In the US, the injury rate from knife injury statistics was 1.56 injuries per 1000 US residents population per year. Knife safety tips will help to reduce injuries and help you stay safe during knife use.

31 Knife safety tips

Maintaining Knife safety tips will pay you a great deal by preventing you from harm. Below are the knife safety tips you can apply when using a knife. 

1. Careful handling 

Handle all knives carefully. Ensure that you keep your hands away from the blade of the knife. Make use of the handle anytime you are holding the knife. 

2. Go for Quality

There are many types of knives depending on the quality you want. Most quality knives are good but may be expensive, but it’s good to get quality knives that will not mistakenly harm you than a cheaper knife that is a risk to you. Some low-quality knives tend to be subject to breaking and blade snapping. 

3. Don’t place the knife in the sink.

While washing your dishes, ensure you have no knives in the sink and a bowl filled with soapy water. Inspect your sink first before doing so. 

4. Do not try to catch a knife.

When using a knife and it leaves your hand. Avoid trying to catch it. Doing so may expose your hand to a cut. Allow it to fall on its own. 

5. Do not wave the knife.

Do not demonstrate a point with a knife while holding it. Avoid gesticulating with a knife while talking. Performing a demonstration may make the knife fall and land on your body. 

6. Use the knife for its purpose.

For instance, don’t use a knife to do the work of a screwdriver. Use the knife for its purpose. Using the knife for something else is abuse. It is likely to cause harm to the user. 

Different knives are not the same. Use a particular knife for its purpose. 

7. Do not use the knife close to your body.

The Knife cutting edge should be angled away from your body at a short distance. 

8. During giving out a knife

Place the knife on a flat surface when you want to give it to another person. Do not present the blade side of the knife to the person and may likely injure the person or give out the knife with the handle part instead of the blade side. 

9. Safe Storage

Do not store the knife disorderly, but in a block or a rack. Do not leave knives on the surface of the sink or tables, tray or any of the exposed areas.

knife safety tips

10. Use of Guard

Use a blade guard to protect the knives to prevent accidental injuries.

11. Keep knives away from children. 

All knives should be out of reach of children. Lock them in a kitchen cabinet.

12. Do not drink.

Do not drink and use a knife. Being drunk may impair your sense of judgement and put you at risk of injury.

13. First aid.

Make arrangements for a first aid box and its content in your area so that it will cater for any knife injury.

14. Check your cutting direction.

When cutting with a knife, always cut in a direction away from your body. Make sure that all your fingers are not in that direction.

15. Check your hand for dryness.

Do not cut with your hand when wet because this can lead to accidental slipping during use.

16. Use of hand glove

Use the appropriate hand glove when necessary while using the knife. Getting a good quality pair can help to prevent hand injuries.

17. Hold the cutting board firmly.

Hold the cutting board firmly on a surface when cutting. You can do this by putting a damp cloth beneath the cutting board.

18. Hold the knife firmly.

Correct and firm holding of the knife will help to prevent the risk of harm.  

19. Be mindful of other people around you.

When using a knife, be mindful of other people and ensure no one is too close to you during the cutting process. 

20. Knife holders.

Ensure to install knife holders at places where you are using the knives. Do not drop them on the table.

21. Avoid distractions

When using a knife, ensure that you avoid any distractions that will expose you to the risk of harm. Put more concentration on the task at hand before doing any other thing. 

22. Do not use a knife when tired.

Whenever you feel tired, please do not use a knife. It will impair your concentration.

23. Keep your knife sharp.

Avoid using a blunt knife. Sharpen your knife to improve its effectiveness and safety.

24. Sharpen the knife with the required tool.

Do not sharpen the knife with the wrong tool. A professional knife sharpener designed for that knife will handle this very well. The right tool will help to prevent accidents from happening.

25. Keep a distance. 

When sharpening your knife, ensure that you work away from your body to prevent body contact with the knife.

26. Keep your hand away from the blade. 

Apply this often when sharpening the knife. Hold the knife correctly before cutting.

27. Experienced personnel

Ensure you engage the services of an experienced person to sharpen your knife for you.

28. Inform others

Inform others when you sharpen a knife so that all will be aware.

29. Keep your knife clean after every use.

Be careful when cleaning it to prevent a cut on your hand. Clean knives individually and avoid keeping the knife where the blade is exposed. Place the knife flat in a utensil holder. Make sure you dry the knife after washing it immediately.

30. Store the knife

Store the knife immediately after drying it with a cloth. 

31. Ensure you repair all damaged knives or find a replacement.

Avoid using a damaged knife at any time. Do not attempt to repair a damaged knife when you are not a professional repairer.


The knife safety tips may seem like common sense, but sometimes being neglected by knife users give rise to many accidents associated with the knife. Individuals using a knife should be careful to be conscious and mindful at various times they are using a knife. 

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