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How to wear and remove a facemask

How to wear and remove a face mask image

How to wear and remove a face mask

Face masks offer protection against many of the risks of airborne hazards. The main types obtainable are KN95, Surgical masks and Reusable masks. 

Facemask serves as a physical barrier between you and the person wearing them. It protects you and the person wearing it and helps to reduce the spread of any airborne disease in the environment.

The world saw the importance of face masks during Covid-19. It helped to achieve great results. 

 When are you to use a face mask? 

  • Risk of airborne diseases such as covid-19 and others.
  • Presence of airborne pollutants like dust, soot, and smoke in the environment
  • Presence of airborne contaminants in an environment. For e.g.aerosols, chemical fumes and biological hazard
  • When doing a job that can give rise to dust
  • You can use a facemask in a public place or a crowded location.
  • During your travel by aeroplane, train or public vehicles 
  •  Where you can’t easily maintain a minimum distance of 1 meter between persons
  • When you are engaged in cleaning and washing activity 
  • During the handling of infectious materials
  • Where there is a potential release of unwanted atmosphere contaminants, E.g. blasting activities, smoothening activities

The facemask is a respirator that filters the air we take in during the breathing process, but other respirators serve a higher purpose. They have cartridges that react with airborne chemicals and contaminants. The individual breathes in filtered air. They are of different types depending on what you can get for your need. There are half-face cartridge types and full-face cartridge types.

A face shield that comes with a mask can serve the facemask purpose, though it protects someone from liquid droplets of contaminants.

How to wear a face mask

  • Wash your hand with soap and water before picking a face mask.
  • Once a face mask is damaged, avoid using it again because the protection ability is compromised.
  • Do not share a used facemask; this is an avenue to expose yourself to health risks.
  • Ensure you wear the facemask with the metal nose band at the top and hold the mask with the two straps.
  • Wear the face mask to protect the nose, mouth and chin. Anything outside of this is not acceptable.
  • Avoid touching the front of the facemask for any reason to prevent contamination.
  • Pinch the metal strip on the facemask to fit in with your nose.

How to remove a facemask

  • Ensure that you clean or sanitise your hand before you remove the facemask.
  • Carefully locate The two mask straps at the back of your ear and remove them. Do it in a way not to touch the front of the mask.
  • Pull the mask away from your face by leaning forward to remove it.
  • Do not leave the facemask on the floor. Endeavour to discard it in a bin if it is not the reusable type. The reusable facemask should be cleaned before use again.
  • Make sure that you clean your hand after the whole process.

Who can wear a face mask?

People that must wear facemasks mainly due to their profession are the 

  • Health workers like doctors and nurses
  • Patients visiting the hospitals
  • For anyone having a symptom of covid-19?
  • Anyone in a location where they are doing a dusty operation
  • Aged and elderly People 

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