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6 easy steps on how to become a safety engineer

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6 easy steps on how to become a safety engineer

A safety engineer is saddled with a lot of responsibilities in the workplace, but then before you can become a safety engineer, you have to undergo some series of training, education and certifications; these requirements are not mere feats; anyone who is desirous of achieving that step must plan carefully to make it at the end.

However, this article will list the easy steps to embark upon to become a safety engineer and practise as a safety engineer in an organization.

How to become a safety engineer

1. Get a Bachelors Degree

The first step to becoming a safety engineer is earning a bachelor’s degree in engineering, health and safety, or environmental courses. Other safety engineering courses can also build your skills, such as math and public safety courses, can also develop your skills. With your bachelor’s degree, you can take the next step in obtaining the needed experience in health and safety.

2. Work Experience.

Work experience is also needed as one of the following steps after obtaining a bachelor’s degree. Safety engineers are mainly employed when they have the requisite expertise in safety and health. To get experience as a safety engineer, you must look for where you can intern or look for jobs that offer on-the-job learning. Experience is not just what is known in the book alone but is learned on the field. While working, you must observe experienced safety engineers around you and learn from what they are doing. You will have to check how they have identified safety issues, corrected unsafe problems, and redesigned safety plans.Then, on your own, you will have to learn from these people since they are with you at work.

3. Networking.

The network has a lot to do for you if you’re to become a safety engineer. Joining a safety engineering association will significantly assist you and increase your knowledge in your drive to become a safety engineer. One of the professional safety engineering networks that you can belong to is the American Society of Safety Professionals ASSP. While you’re already working in your entry-level position as a safety engineer, reaching out to members of this organization to interact with them will equally advance your career very fast. 

4. Get a certification

 You can add a certification to your bachelor’s degree by doing any of the health and safety certification courses. Doing this will also help to grow your skills. However, some employers may not require safety engineers to have certifications since they already have degrees, but getting a certification can do you a lot of good. Consider getting one or two safety certifications, for example, Certified Safety Professional (CSP), Certified Safety and Health Manager (CSHM ), or Certified Industrial Hygienist (GIH).

5. Update your Resume.

A resume will also make you stand out in your journey of becoming a safety engineer. In your Resume, you must outline all the skills and experience you have gained as a safety engineer. Your new Resume will help you land a new safety engineering job. Always remember to update your Resume from time to time as you gain experience and certification.

6. Add a master’s degree in health and safety to your list of degrees.

You can decide to do a master’s degree in health and safety. Doing this will make you advance more in the managerial role. You may have to find a way to go about it so that it doesn’t affect your present job. However, some workplaces may give you time to attend to your studies while working with them. 


A safety engineer is a splendid profession that guarantees you good pay. Aside from being a profession that saves lives and protects assets, it will give you a fulfilling career. However, to become a safety engineer, you need to follow the above steps and pave your way to becoming one. 


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