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World red cross and red crescent day 2022

World red cross day

World red cross day for 2022 will be on the 8th of May. 

The event is supported by the International red cross and red crescent movement since the first Red Cross day were held in 1948. 

Brief History of Redcross.

In 1859, Henry Dunant, a Swiss businessman travelling in Italy witnessed the grim aftermath of the battle of Solferino.

He put forth two proposals to help the victims of that war and the world at large.  

The Proposals:

  • To set up in peacetime, in every country, groups of people, volunteers who were ready to take care of casualties in wartime.
  • To get countries to agree to the idea of protecting aid workers and the wounded ones. 

The two proposals were all accepted which led to the establishment of the National red cross and red crescent and the drafting of the four geneva conventions of 1949. 



The theme of this year’s Red cross and red crescent movement day is BE HUMANKIND. 

According to the International Federation of the red cross on the choice of the theme, it says,

“We know the world can feel tough and scary right now. These past months and years have been marked by multiple crises that have spared no one and have hit the most vulnerable people the hardest—from COVID-19 to the climate crisishumanitarian emergencies and escalating conflicts.”


“But despite this, there is so much hope and humanity to be found in the form of acts of kindness”.

“Acts of kindness are all around us. No matter how big or small, they make a huge difference in people’s lives.”

We believe in the power of kindness. Let’s show the world we can all #BeHumanKIND!

If you want to participate in the world red cross day, please click on this link to read more and GET INVOLVED. 

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