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Workplace noise risk assessment template

noise risk assessment photo

Noise risk assessment is an indispensable practice to protect workers from noise at the workplace. On the other hand, noise is an occupational hazard that can be seen in our everyday lives but is more significant in specific environments for instant workplaces. So, this article will examine what a noise risk assessment is about and show us the benefits of conducting one.

What is noise, and how does it affect us?

Noise is an unwanted sound that causes damage to the ear. Exposure to loud noise kills the nerve endings in our inner ear, and more exposure will lead to more dead nerve endings. It has a severe health implication in that it can result in hearing loss, permanent hearing loss stress, and even decreased productivity.

How does the ear work, and how does the noise affect the ear?

When sound waves enter the outer ear, the vibrations impact the eardrum and are transmitted to the middle and inner ear. In the middle ear, three tiny bones called the malleus (or hammer), the incus (or anvil), and the stapes (or stirrup) amplify and transmit the vibrations to the inner ear. 

The inner ear has a snail-like structure called the cochlea, filled with fluid and lined with cells with very fine hairs. 

Now, these microscopic hairs move with the vibrations and convert the sound waves into nerve impulses–the result is the sound we hear. These hair cells can be destroyed with loud noise exposure, causing hearing loss.

Legal requirements for noise hazard

There are so many legal requirements for noise according to countries, and these laws and regulations are put in place to protect workers from the effects of noise exposure. With these legal requirements, noise risk assessment in workplaces will be implemented. Otherwise, you have been just a matter of ethics and not a legal obligation.

OSHA requirements for Noise hazards.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration requires employers to implement a hearing conservation program when noise exposure is at or above 85 decibels averaged over eight working hours or an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA). The Hearing conservation programs will stop initial hearing loss, protect remaining hearing, and equip workers with sufficient knowledge and hearing protection devices necessary to safeguard themselves.

The Hearing Conservation program.

This program is an integral part of the noise risk assessment. It aims to educate the workers and protect them from hearing loss.


How do you determine your workplace noise level?

When you are in a place where you need to raise your voice to talk to someone 3 feet away, noise levels might be over 85 decibels. However, several sound-measuring instruments are available to measure the noise levels in a workspace. These include sound level meters, noise dosimeters, and octave band analyzers.

Importance of noise risk assessment.

Noise assessment is an important activity, and when it happens, a noise risk assessment document is produced, which plays a proactive role in helping employers identify and mitigate noise-related risks.

Component of a noise risk assessment.

A noise risk assessment comprises of

  • Identification of noise sources.
  • Noise Exposure assessment.
  • Control measures.
  • Monitoring and review.

The Steps in conducting a noise risk assessment.

1. Identify the noise and the workers at risk.

2. Determine the noise exposure.

3. Put the control measures.

4. Monitoring and evaluation.

The Benefits of practical noise risk assessment in the workplace.

1. A safe work environment.

2. Improve employee well-being.

3. Increased productivity at work.

4. Compliance with legal requirements.

Industries with high risk of noise hazards.

There are so many Industries with high risks of noise, such as

  • Manufacturing industry.
  • Construction.
  • Aviation.
  • Fabrication. 

Role of occupational health specialist in noise risk assessment.

Occupational health specialists play a vital role in noise risk assessment. Their Role ensures a holistic approach to worker well-being on site or in a project.


Noise risk assessment is critical in controlling noise in the work environment. It helps prevent noise from damaging the workers’ ears. It improves their health and safety. Noise risk assessment is also part of the legal requirements, which creates suitable compliance and encourages health work. 

Some of the questions associated with Noise risk assessment in the workplace.

1. What exactly is noise risk assessment? 

It means assessing the noise hazard at work and determining its effect, the likelihood of noise occurring at work, and its severity on people and putting adequate control measures against it.

2. What is the primary goal of noise risk assessment?

The primary goal of noise risk assessment is to identify the noise, assess it, and mitigate noise-related risks in the workplace to prevent workers from hearing loss and other noise-related health issues.

3. What are some of the control measures you can obtain for noise risk assessment?

The control measures for noise include engineering controls, administrative controls, and personal protective equipment. The engineering controls can involve the creation of noise barriers; administrative control can be job rotation to reduce noise exposure or rescheduling of noisy job tasks. 

4. How often should you conduct a noise risk assessment?

Noise risk assessment should be conducted regularly as long as noise is prevalent on site when the workplace changes or when new noisy jobs or equipment are introduced.

5. What are the long-term benefits of a practical noise risk assessments?

There are a lot of benefits of practical noise risk assessments. They include a healthy, safe workplace, reduced legal issues, and improved employee satisfaction and productivity. 

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