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environmental incident toolbox talk photo

Environmental incident toolbox talk

An environmental incident is an event that is a departure from the standard operating conditions in an environment. Such an incident can impact human health and the environment. It can be a minor or major incident due to the outcome and its impact on the surroundings. An environmental incident can happen without announcing itself on a construction project. 

near miss reporting for accident prevention image

Near miss reporting for accident prevention

Near-miss reporting is giving out information concerning a near miss the moment it happens by the employees. Some organizations have formal ways of near-miss reporting by using forms, emails etc. But the main thing is that a near miss was not left unreported. 

Most times, workers are not ready to report a near miss because of blame or because they are afraid of being punished when they do so. Near-miss reporting should be natural for all workers to do. The management has to reassure the workers of their support and not be blamed in such an exercise and even encourage them.

TRIR calculation total recordable incident rate photo

TRIR calculation: How to calculate the total recordable incident rate

It is rewarding for a business to have a successful environmental health and safety arrangement that will improve the performance of hse management system. Measuring the performance of any system should also be in place to ascertain its effectiveness and delivery and areas that need improvement.

One of those ways to measure your health and safety performance is by using a metric called TRIR.

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