Frequently asked questions on benchmarking in HSE.
What is benchmarking in HSE?
Benchmarking, as the name implies, is a process by which any organization compares its health and safety performance with others to learn how to reduce accidents and ill health and improve compliance with relevant health and safety laws.
What are the top tips for setting up your Benchmarking scheme?
- The organization should have a clear vision of what they want to achieve, They should try to do only a little or small but keep the topic simple.
- Make a plan for what you want to do. Include the required people you need in the team and the stakeholders. Determine the cost and other implications for the benchmarking.
- Ensure that you get the attention and support of the leaders in your organization. Someone who is trusted in the organization can be made to lead the team for the benchmarking activities.
- Determine what you are benchmarking for and ensure that the things resonate or represent your organization in a way that will improve the organization.
- Determine how the data generated from the benchmarking activities will be distributed or disseminated.
- The benchmarking program involves teamwork. With teamwork, the individual can achieve their goal effectively.
What are the two main types of benchmarking in HSE?
The two main types of HSE benchmarking are internal and external benchmarking. Internal benchmarking means to compare health and safety performance in an organization across various departments in the organization. This is usually carried out to enhance the efficiency of the system. External benchmarking involves comparing an organization with another organization maybe with competitors or with similar industry sectors.
What is the benefit of benchmarking in HSE?
- Benchmarking improves the occupational health and safety management system in the workplace.
- It improves the business’s reputation and exposes it to more customers and clients.
- Benchmarking helps in continuous improvements.
- It improves the cost-effectiveness in managing various risks in the workplace.
- With benchmarking, best practices are implemented in an organization.
- It provides useful feedback for executives, board members, and company management.
- With Benchmarking, Weaker performance areas will be seen and known.
- An organization’s safety indicators or KPIs can be easily identified with benchmarking.
- It improves the overall health and safety management system.
What are the sources of information or issues to consider when carrying out benchmarking?
- Health and safety policy if it’s available.
- The safety culture of the organization.
- HSE statistics records.
- Workplace injury statistic record.
- Nearmiss records.
- Incident/accident records.
- Stuff roles and responsibilities written and outlined.
- Emergency preparedness measures are in place in the workplace.
- Number of training that was done.
- The quality and the number of risk assessments that were done.
- Health and safety plans and how they are measured and documented in the organization are in place.
- Annual health and Safety performance review reports.
- How to calculate man hours in (hse) safety
- Frequently asked questions on safety leading indicators
- Frequently asked questions on Industrial safety helmet.
- Safety culture development in a workplace
What is an HSE benchmarking tool?
It is a tool in the form of a survey, a questionnaire, a checklist, or software applications that help collect and analyze safety data. The benchmarking tool can help identify improvement areas and best practices in the organization’s safety program.
What are the other types of benchmarking?
- International benchmarking.
- Functional benchmarking.
- Strategic benchmarking.
- Performance benchmarking.
- Process benchmarking

Onyeka Emma is a QHSE Professional with more than 10 years of experience in occupational health and safety, which spans many industries such as construction, beverage, oil and gas, etc. He has many health and safety certifications, including NEBOSH IGC, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, and ISO 45001:2018 Lead auditor certificate. A member of IOSH, ISPON, and Nigeria Red Cross Society. He is interested in business, entrepreneurship, Speaking, and motivating people to do better for themselves. He enjoys leisure with a good motivational book.