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Toolbox talk on a chain saw safety

chain saw safety tool box talk

Chain saw safety is good to prevent incidents emanating from chain saw use. Well, a chain saw is a powerful piece of work equipment usually notorious for severe accidents that happen in the wood industry. That’s why it’s essential to protect the employee during usage. 

Hazards of Chain Saw

  • Kick back
  • Hearing damage
  • Vibration 
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning. 

Chain saw safety: How do we ensure safety when using a chain saw today?

Before you use the chain saw.

  • Carefully read the instructional manual when using a new chain saw. 
  • Do not use a chain saw if you don’t have the skills to use it. However, get some skills on cutting techniques before doing so from a trained person. 
  • Inspect the chain saw to check if it’s in good order. Avoid using a chain saw that is bad. 
  • Ensure that the machine is placed on the floor before you do so. Do not start the equipment on your knee or in the air, as this may not offer you enough balance.
  • Provide a first aid kit during your operation.
  • Make provisions for a portable fire extinguisher for fire emergencies.
  • Engage a seasoned professional during complex felling activities.
  • Wear the right personal protective equipment when using the chain saw machine. The PPE are earplugs, safety shoes, safety pants, hearing protection, and safety goggles. 
  • Training for all chain saw operators and maintaining a record on it.
  • Do not allow a lone worker during the operation. Always make a provision for a buddy system during the activity. 
  • Avoid working under rain or snow or when there is a high wind.
  • Do not carry the chain saw while it’s put on unless you want to use it.

What to do when felling a tree with a chain saw.

  • Make sure that other people are standing far away from the area. Have a plan for an exclusion zone.
  • Look out for utilities around the areas so that your activity will not impact them.
  • Do not raise a chain saw above the shoulder level during usage unless you are very experienced in this aspect. 
  • Avoid operating a chain saw under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Alcohol will impair your sense of reasoning and affect your judgement during usage. 
  • Do not use a small chain saw to cut a big tree. Make your decisions professionally before choosing any chain saw to use. 

What to do during transporting the chain saw.

  • Secure all parts that are loose to prevent a spill from the chain. 
  • Secure the gasoline containers to avoid spills during transportation. 
  • Do not carry the equipment with the passengers on the same seat. 
  • Remember to clean up the chain saw after refuelling it. 

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